The Social Media Dilemma

Posted by Tungsten Management Group
Last updated 10th November 2020
reading time

  • What is Social Media?

    According to Wikipedia, Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks'. For the average person in 2020 their were over 3.81 billion worldwide social media users  and the average user has 8.6 accounts which is nearly double since 2014. (

    The use of technology has been ingrained in our lives and for some generations they know nothing different, but after watching a documentary on Netflix I wanted to share some information that struck a chord with me.

    Before you read on I think it maybe worth you watching the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma. What I took from this document was a fascinating insight into the way the platforms work. The platforms are built by tech geniuses in Silicon Valley and all over the world using algorithms. These algorithms learn about you to create a profile using all the data that the platforms are allowed to take, store and analyse. They look at the time spent on each video, image, how many times you click, what time of day/night you access the channels. The algorithms will control what content people see. You will then be exposed to adverts, stories or recommended people to follow based on what the algorithms think you will like, and big advertisement companies will pay to get their advert or idea in front of you. From the document, the experts who were the initial creators of these machines to do good warn what powerful AI machines pose a threat not only to democracy but to humanity's very existence.

    “Never before in history have 50 designers made decisions that would have an impact on two billion people,” says former Google exec Tristan Harris.

    What is Social Media?
  • US girls aged from 10-14 suicide rates have soared by up to 150% from 1999-2009 (Netflix)
  • What are the pros and cons surrounding Social Media ?

    There is no denying that social media has allowed the world to connect in a way that would not have been imaginable a few decades ago. We can now connect to celebrities who before social media we would have to know their telephone number or addresses, we can share our thoughts and views, we can keep in touch with loved ones who live 1000's of miles away, but we must also remember the unrealistic pressure to Gen Z, cyberbullying and trolling and extremist groups using the platforms to recruit.


    What are the pros and cons surrounding Social Media ?
  • The Social Media Dilemma Row 4 image
    • Connection to the global world 24 hours a day where ever you are
    • Pulling information from social media to learn, evolve and hear others opinions
    • Socialise with those you can't physical see through distance, time or global pandemic!
    • Share with others your memories and moments
    • Start up and growth of business
  • There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users: illegal drugs and software. Edward Tufte
  • My thoughts

    I use social media as a platform to tell the world what I am doing personally and in Tungsten Management Group, and without this I would be able to offer my housing solutions to a wide and variety pool of people. But I am a strong believer in moderation, and this approach I use in all aspects of life.

    I spent very minimal time on social media, including what's app especially when my son is awake. I feel that time spent interacting with him is far more important that replying immediately to a tweet or a message. My partner and I have 'no tech time' whist eating so that we can have a good old fashion conversation. We are certainly not the couple at dinner on our phones and not talking - it makes me cringe. Why not try to go for a walk and leave the device at home. It is lovely to capture every beautiful moment and share it but actually would it not be better to see nature and life through your own eyes and not the lens on your device?

    My thoughts